Topological Determinants of Perturbation Spreading in Networks and Power Grids
by Xiaozhu Zhang
at 12.15 - 13.00
Spreading phenomena essentially underlie the dynamics of various natural and technological networked systems, especially AC power transmission grids which are intrinsically exposed to fluctuating inputs. The spatiotemporal propagation pattern of an external perturbation determines whether and how far it may undermine the stable operation of a power transmission network, yet how such a pattern emerges from a complex network topology remains largely unknown. Here we propose a novel approach that reveals universal features determining the spreading dynamics in diffusively-coupled networks such as power grids, and disentangles them from factors that are system specific. In particular, we first analytically identify a purely topological factor encoding the interaction structure and strength, and second, numerically estimate a master function characterizing the universal scaling of the perturbation arrival times across different network topologies. The proposed approach provides intuitive insights into the complex propagation patterns in power grids as well as accurate predictions for the perturbation arrival times. Thereby it may help in estimating the time window for reactions and countermeasures against power fluctuations and developing guidelines for power grid design and control.
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